Wednesday, October 24, 2007

On Bagpipe-ery

So I'm sitting by the driving range cursing myself for wearing shorts and drinking my 37th cup of coffee, when BAM! A guy in full Highland regalia appears out of nowhere wailing on a wicked set of bagpipes...calling golfers to the tee. Naturally, I had to talk to this fellow.

Turns out, he's a Texas. Name is Peter Kosmaski. He's been piping since 1999 when he was entranced by their haunting sounds at the Texas Renassiance Festival (And really, who hasn't?)

He signed up for lessons with a guy named Lars over at American Bagpipes on Westheimer. Pete does a lot of funerals and pub openings.

"I did play in a nightclub once," he said. "That was pretty strange."

So now that I know where to get bagpipe lessons. I may bust out with them without warning. Probably in the middle of your backswing when I'm dormie in a money match.

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