Thursday, April 24, 2008

Iron Byron

I got to say, of all the commutes between the major cities in Texas (Austin-San Antonio, Austin-Dallas, Dallas-San Antonio, Houston-Austin, Houston to San Antonio) that Houston to Dallas is the worst. Normally I'm aces about driving whatever distance you need but this drive really taxes me. For one, there is nothing to look at. I-45 cleaves straight through the Pinney Woods. You get the sensation of driving down a shoot of featureless green. No scenery. At least Austin to Dallas has Waco to break the monotony, not to mention views. When the Buckees in Madisonville opens (coming soon!) it will be the biggest thing along the route. No, Huntsville doesn't count. It's basically North Houston anyway.

There's one interesting sign though. Woody's Smokehouse in Centerville claims to be the jerky capital of the world. I mean, really? I'm testing it out on the way back. Exit 134. Can't be as good as Whittington's in Johnson city, I say.

As you can guess, yeah I'm at the Byron Nelson.
Anyway, this is the first day of the tournaments. Matthew Goggin (no idea) is currently leader. No Tiger, no Phil, no Vijay, no Ernie, no Boo (my fav). There is Sergio and Adam. Both are paired together the first two days and both should draw plenty of Nelsonettes.
If you're a Houston sports fan resentful of the Cowboys, come to Dallas during Rangers season. Instant Schadenfreude. They allowed 19 runs last night. I'm smiling as I write this.
The media amnenites at this tourney are nuts. They have a huge lounge area for us to relax, read, and talk on our cell phones, incredible food, a frappuccino machine, and the kicker....A NINTENDO WII FOR MEDIA USE!! Green eggs and ham that's awesome. I soundly defeated Mark, our executive editor, in a three-hole Wii Golf match this morning.
By the way, if you're ever at the McKinney Starbucks off ElDorado and Jimmy is your barista, order the "Gentleman's Latte." It'll change your life.

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