Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What the hell is "midnight oil" anyway, and when was the last time anyone actually burned any?

So it's almost 3:30 in the morning, and it feels like 4:30. Obviously, I'm still up. Sometimes when writing is your profession involves writing the itch to stay up all night can randomly strike. Hence, you reading this.

Despite my working at this late hour, I am not exempt from the random things that pop into your head at this time of the night. You know, brain droppings that would normally appear during REM sleep.

Case in point, the song "I Need More Allowance" by the fictional band The Beets from the Nickelodeon cartoon Doug is stuck in my head. I've listened to it at least 20 times in a row. Not lying.

I'm on my fourth cup of coffee, by the way. More later, probably maybe.

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