Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Did you happen to catch professional football contest?

The clip above is from the classic Eddie Murphy comedy "Coming to America." Freaky, huh?

Here's an interview posted on golf.com with Eli Manning about his golf game:

When did you take up golf?
When I was about 10 or 11. But I've kind of just picked it up again in the off-season.

Your family's full of football players, but do you guys tee it up together?
Oh, yeah. We usually go out a few times a year, my dad [Archie] and my two brothers [Peyton and Cooper]. It's a great way to spend time away from everything.

What's your handicap?
I never tell. I don't want anybody holding me to it!

Is there any strategy that you can apply to both football and golf?
Visualize, then execute. In football, you picture the throw you need to make. Obviously in golf you don't have a guy running up trying to sack you, so you have an opportunity to really visualize what you're going to do before you actually do it.

Linebackers in golf — you just solved the slow-play problem! We hear you're a karaoke fan. Are you a better golfer or singer?

[Laughs] Well, I'm not very good at either. But I guess that's the great thing about singing and golf: you don't have to be any good at either to have fun.

Jimmy Demaret said the same thing about golf and something else, but this is a family blog.

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